No matter how many times I rewrite this review, it always comes out like ad copy. So rather than keep screwing around, I'm just gonna spit it right out. This English Custom Polish is the best thing that's happened to shine on motorcycles since the invention of chrome.
I've been trying out three versions of the stuff: * Hot Environment Chrome Polish ($15), designed for exhaust systems * Custom Blend Show Quality Finish ($16.50), which imparts a show finish to soft metals * Metal Polish and Restorer ($13.50), a hard-cutting restorative polish for bringing back neglected surfaces.
I tried the Hot Environment Polish on a variety of discolored pipes, from a lightly discolored chrome header to a severely blued mild-steel racebike pipe. The results were outstanding. With modest effort and only a few minutes' work there was a dramatic improvement.
The other polishes were tried on everything from unpolished aluminum to soiled stainless steel with similar results. Obviously, your results may vary, but I'm impressed.
Furthermore, according to the company's Web site, which contains a plethora of polishing particulars, the stuff contains no ammonia, acid or anhydrous (waterless) chemicals that might harm your metals down the road. The liquid polish comes neatly packaged in a squirt-type bottle, complete with a polishing rag and a pair of latex gloves.
If all of that and my glowing testimonial aren't enough to sway you, English Custom Polishing offers quantity discounts for group purchases. How cool...your motorcycle club can have a polishing party and save money to boot.
English Custom Polishing
222 Lincolnville Avenue
Belfast, Maine, 04915
(207) 338-6939
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