First there were 64, then 32, and now only 16 contestants remain, vying for Harley-Davidson's Custom King, as decided by popular vote. This bike, The Surfster, is the brainchild of Paradise H-D and it's just one of the 16 survivors going into the next round. You can vote for it or your other favorite competitor here. This is what the dealership had to say about their baby:
"What's old is new again it seems. A scrambler style Sportser, converted to chain drive for beach / sand cruising sporting a custom ""Woodies"" style paint scheme. Knobby tires, a solo custom leather wrapped springer seat with matching custom made leather tool kit. Scrambler high pipes for those shallow water conditions allowing you to get to your favorite surf spot, along with a custom made, quick release surfboard rack.
Now imagine what the good 'ol days would be like today, with our 2016 ""Surfster"". Welcome to Paradise. Life is good. Enjoy the ride. ""We wanted to create a throwback and pay homage to the 70's with our ""Surfster"". To build a bike that bridged the gap between two lifestyles that we believe go hand in hand. The surf and motorcycle lifestyle. Welcome to Paradise. Life is good. Enjoy the ride."